How to Start Journaling

by Erica 

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Journaling is a great way of keeping track of your thoughts and feelings. It can help you understand yourself better, as well as the people around you. If you’re new to journaling, it might be difficult at first. But with practice, you will find that it becomes second nature. I started journaling 40 years ago at 11 years old.  My dad started ten years ago at 65.  You are never too young or old to start journaling.

Writing down our thoughts helps us organize them better and makes them easier to recall later. In fact, research shows that keeping a daily diary can improve memory, concentration, and focus. 

How to start journaling

Journaling is a great way to process your feelings. You can write about anything that comes to mind. If you feel like you need to vent, you can write about it. If you want to reflect on something that happened the day before, you can write about that. Journaling helps you think through your feelings and emotions, and it also gives you an outlet to express them.

Some of the Benefits of Journaling

  • Reduce stress
  • Cope with depression
  • Promote healthy self-awareness
  • Release thoughts that are packed in their brain
  • Understand their problems or fears they're experiencing
  • Give clarity to a mind full of jumbled thoughts
  • Create goals to achieve tasks for each of their dreams

You may have several reasons for starting a journal. The more, the better!

There are many ways to journal, depending on what works best for you. If you like to write down your thoughts and ideas, then you should try using a journal. If you prefer to draw pictures, then you might want to get a sketchbook. If you like to use stickers, then you could use a sticker book. You can even journal online using an app. Whatever method you choose, just make sure that you enjoy doing it.

Here are some things to consider when you start journaling that will make it easier to keep doing it consistently. 

Determine your WHY

Journaling is a great way to get your thoughts out there. It helps you think about what you're doing and why you're doing it. You can also use it to help you figure out what you want to do next.

Decide how you want to journal

A journal is traditionally a paper notebook. However, you can also write down your thoughts in a document on your computer. Or you can even use a mobile application! Choose a method of journaling that best suits your lifestyle.

If you like writing lists or letters, then you might find it easy to keep up with handwriting your journal. However, if you have a busy schedule, are constantly on the go, or depend on your mobile device more than pen and paper, an app, Google Doc, or even just your mobile device’s notes may be the way to go for you.

Set realistic expectations.:

It is important to not get too hard on yourself when you start journaling, because burnout is easy and often happens, even if you enjoy writing. If you haven’t written before, you may feel like you need to write every single thought that comes to mind. You may also feel like you need to keep writing until you have nothing left to say. These feelings are normal, but they will pass.

Journaling is a great way to keep track of your life. You can write about anything that is important to you. You can also write about what you're doing right now. You can even write about your dreams. Journaling helps you organize your thoughts and feelings. It can help you figure out what you really want in life.

It is important to avoid forcing yourself to write every day. Some people find it easier to write in the morning when they can let go of any negative thoughts or emotions before getting on with the rest of the day. Others prefer to write in the evening, as they can release negative thoughts or feelings before going to bed. If you don‘t have time to write in the morning or evening, you can do it during your lunch break or even before bed.

Know that mental exhaustion is a real thing. It happens when we push ourselves too hard. We might not even realize it until the next day. It’s okay to take a break. Don’t feel guilty about it. You will get back to your journaling the next day.

Tips to Stay Motivated to Journal

Sometimes it is hard to get motivated to write down what you feel, or what you see. Everyone that writes down their thoughts will admit they have struggled with writing more than once. Writing helps us to express our feelings, and to understand ourselves better. If we keep a journal, we can also share our experiences with others. We can also use it to help us cope with life.  Here are some tips on how to start journaling:

Tip #1 - Prompts are your Friend

There are lots of journaling prompts online that will help you think about what you are doing right now. A simple reflective question like “What are you grateful for today?” can get you started. You might also try asking yourself questions like “What am I working towards?” or “How can I improve my life?” These questions can help you focus on what matters most to you.

You can buy a journal at Amazon or any local bookstore. You can fill it with prompts and questions to help you write down what’s going through your head.

Tip #2 - View Journaling as a Habit, Not a Hobby

While you don’t want to stress out about journaling too much, you should view it as part of your daily routine. If you see it as a fun hobby, you may not feel the need to stick with it daily. That notebook soon becomes a paperweight on your desk or bedside table. 

Journaling is a task you need to complete, just like taking a shower or brushing your teeth. Making your journaling routine an important part of your daily routine will help you reap the benefits sooner.

Tip #3 - Remind yourself every day

If you find it hard to remember to journal, set an alarm on your mobile phone. Do it for a time that you should be free to journal - or at least at a time you can reset the notification to remind you at a better time. Once you have incorporated journaling into your daily routine, you may find you don’t need an alarm as a reminder.

Tip #4 Change your surroundings.

Sometimes just a change in scenery can help you get started. If you're feeling stuck, move to a new room in the house. Try journaling at another time of day if the routine starts to feel like a chore. Go out of your comfort zone and try journaling in a new place. You never know what kinds of ideas might come to you when in a new environment.

I love sitting outside. I love writing outdoors. I love being able to look over the park and see people walking around. When I sit outside, I'm inspired.

When I sit inside, I'm distracted. I'm thinking about what needs to be done next. I'm thinking about how much longer I'll be working today. This doesn't mean I don't want to write; it just means that I'm not inspired enough to focus on one thing.

If you're feeling uninspired, then try doing some things differently. Maybe go outside and take a walk. Or maybe pick up your journal and start writing. You might find that you've got ideas flowing again.

There are no rules to journaling.  Pick a way that works for you, and just start.  You can always change up later.

I asked ten friends to write about their experience journaling: Journaling: Ten Women's Perspectives. They have from 4 to 63 years of journaling.  Hopefullly, their stories will inspire you on your journey. 

Happy journaling!!! 

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